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genres War
Audience Score 918546 Votes
Sophie Marceau, Mel Gibson
Release Year 1995
country USA
178 minutes
Hrabro srce zvezde granda. Good movie from Mel Gibson but very far from the facts. NAZAD U 2000 hiljadite. Hrabro srce tekst. Hrabro srce milan mitrovic. Svaka cast. Pesma je fenomenalna. Hrabro srce animacia. Hrabro srce allegro. Bas me zabole ko je original. Kako smarate. Sto onda slusate Allegro, slusajte tamo tok bugarina kad vas toliko boli sto je ukradena.
U ovoj pesmi ima svega, umetničko delo čoveče. Svaka čast.
Outlaw King.
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Hrabro srce leteci odred.
This is one of my favurite movie is simply brilliant. the acting is in top form. especially of course MEL GIBSON, whom i think deserved best actor nomination for the oscars, But he successfully won for producing and director this film. This film is also great watching from critic point of view, and also very good from normal movie fan. This film won well deserved 6 oscars. This movie was one of the best films of nineties, but also one most enjoyable action romantic epics ever made since lawrence of arabia.
Super pesma.
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Hrabro srce serija.
Septembar 2019? Sladjo najbolja si.
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Za njim u vatru skakala, za njim ko majka plakala. 😞.
Hrabro src.
Allegro Band♥♥♥.
Hrabro srce ceo film sa prevodom mel gibson.
Although hundreds of good comments have already been posted for this movie, and mine will probably not be a stand-out among all the others, I still felt compelled to add my own; because after seven years, Braveheart is still my favorite movie, and still one of the most impressive movies I've ever seen.
I saw Braveheart for the first time in June of 1995, at a local theater; and it was one of the most satisfying moviegoing experiences of my life. Not many movies cause me to feel a little transformed after I've seen them, but Braveheart certainly did: From its opening scene of breathtaking landscapes and stirring music, to its final shot of a sword planted in a seemingly endless field, it truly was and still is a tour de force of storytelling.
Braveheart is a movie blessed with many qualities, but more than anything a dual sense of achievement: on the one hand William Wallace, a legendary figure who accomplished the impossible by leading the Scots when no one else would; and on the other hand Mel Gibson, who demonstrated with this movie a directorial talent that we (or I, at least) never suspected he had. Previously, I had Gibson pigeonholed as a likable but goofy action hero from the Mad Max and Lethal Weapon series: his flip personality never indicated a passion for directing an intensely romantic and dramatic epic. The Man Without a Face proved that Gibson could direct a good movie; Braveheart proved that he could direct a great one.
Gibson's greatest accomplishment in Braveheart (besides the battle sequences) is that he elicited excellent performances from the entire cast: every actor and actress (even those who appear for only a few SECONDS of the movie) hits exactly the right note. In fact, I'm outraged that Braveheart received no Oscar nominations for its acting: Why honor Gibson as Best Director of 1995, yet ignore the performances which are the fruits of his labors? I'm not saying that any particular person in Braveheart (Mel Gibson, Patrick McGoohan, Angus McFadyen) SHOULD have won an acting Oscar: it's the fact that NOBODY WAS EVEN NOMINATED that bothers me.
But I love this movie too much to waste my time complaining. Before I can mention more of what I love about Braveheart, however, I must address one more inevitable topic.
I am aware that this movie is historically inaccurate: Even in 1995, when I first saw Braveheart, I knew enough military history to know that the battles of Sterling and Falkirk were not being accurately presented. But this awareness did not and does not interfere with my enjoyment of the movie, because Braveheart exists outside of history: like Dances With Wolves, Robin Hood, The Last of the Mohicans, and The Three Musketeers, it is an emotionally rich epic inspired by history yet not confined to it, less concerned with accuracy to every detail than with the eternal struggles of good and evil, love and hatred, freedom and oppression. And isn't that enough? Braveheart is one of the most stirring movies I've ever seen: If you can't reconcile yourself to its inaccuracies and simply enjoy it on its own terms, then I feel sorry for you.
Patrick McGoohan's performance as Longshanks has, in my opinion, not received nearly enough praise: After seven years, it remains the best (and most entertaining) villainous performance I've seen in any movie. He masterfully plays the king as a man who embodies the phrase 'absolute power corrupts absolutely' he commands an entire nation, yet covets what he does not or cannot have. He answers to no one, and can barely restrain himself: he does not even try to conceal his contempt for his homosexual son, his lust for his daughter-in-law, his rage against any obstacle to his will. The performance is also physically impressive (Significant SPOILER) we see the king gradually consumed by tuberculosis through the movie, and McGoohan makes the ordeal so believable that, though Longshanks is unrepentant to the end, we are moved to pity for him.
Besides McGoohan, Angus McFadyen (as Robert the Bruce) gives the most impressive performance in Braveheart. When I first saw the movie, I identified with William Wallace; but now I identify with Robert the Bruce, who is in fact the key figure of the story. He is not a great man like Wallace, but he wants to be great, and he idolizes Wallace so much that he is almost overwhelmed to hear Wallace tell him "If you would lead us, I would follow you. But the Bruce is warned by his sly, leperous father (played unforgettably by the late Ian Bannen beneath Oscar-winning makeup) to not live a life of action, but rather a life of calculation. As he wrestles with the dual influences of Wallace and his father, he embodies a theme at the movie's heart: the eternal conflict between youth and age, idealism and cynicism, uncompromising heroism and craven opportunism.
When I first saw Braveheart, I was most impressed by the power of its battle sequences; after seven years, I am most impressed by the enduring power of its story. It is a great movie because it seriously argues that one man's lifelong struggle can make a difference, if not in the world then at least in the lives of others; it is a great movie because it is ultimately an inspiring story of perseverance in the face of considerable brutality and heartbreak; it is a great movie because a thousand words are not adequate to express all its emotional power and impact. I could not give Braveheart less than a perfect score, even if I wished, because it is much more to me than mere entertainment: It is a constant reminder to me that I must never lose heart.
"You have bled with bleed with me!
If that moment in the movie doesn't make a Scotsman out of you, laddie, then nothing will!
Rating: 10.
Do krugova pakla kroz vrata raja 2x Moj krov je nebeski svod a ja i dalje vozim svoj brod samo sto dalje, sto dalje od tebe Ja sam sa tobom dozivela sve jos samo da pucas u mene a sad je vreme da ostavim sve iza sebe Refren:2x U obe ruke vatra i kisa vise mi niko ne moze nista jer prosla sam s tobom ja sve krugove pakla kroz vrata raja Zar opet hoce da prevari me te tvoje oci odnesu mi sve odnesu sunce ostave kise Nekad si lako mogao to da mi za dobro uzvratis zlo a sada ne mozes dotaci me nikad vise Refren:2x U obe ruke vatra i kisa vise mi niko ne moze nista jer prosla sam s tobom ja sve krugove pakla kroz vrata raja.
When I first saw Braveheart, I was awestruck by its sheer visual power. Never has the desire for freedom been portrayed in such a splendid manner.
When I traveled to Scotland a year later, I could feel this desire still burning in the proud souls of the scottish people. And even though the movie is historically flawed, it still captures the spirit of what the life of William Wallace was all about.
Some of the scenes I could watch over and over again. It still makes me shiver to see how a man sacrifices himself for the freedom of his people. This is true heroism...
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Hrabro srce 2.
Odlican duet pesma je vrh bilo bi exstra da imaju jos neki duet jelena i alegro.
Hrabro srce organizacija.
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Hrabro srce mel gibson.
To think my great great great great grandfather fought with William is amazing and i am proud to be scottish.
Hrabro srce muzika.
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Braveheart 1995.
WOW! Braveheart is by far the greatest movie of all time, Mel Gibson diversifies himself with ease. Starring, as well as, directing this incredibly well-researched film had to have been an extremely tedious task, but Mel far surpassed the expectations of others and therefore earned my vote of a "10." Outstanding dialogue: Mel managed to find the perfect choice of words to convey the strong situations that existed during the events portrayed in Braveheart. Amazing battles: the battles were fought out with true passion - they were "not" choreographed be any means.
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Hrabro scenario. So far this is the best historical film. Hrabro srce bend negotin. Hrabro srce trailer. Hrabro srce online's prijevodom. Hrabro srce film za gledanje. Masterpiece 😍 Mel Gibson😎.
- Coauthor: Danka Djikanovic
- Resume: Rođena u Kladovu udata 4 dece živim i radim u Kladovu kao evidentičar